A Finnish family of four (or five, if you count the dog – and we do tend to) designing our dream life, one bucket list item at a time.


Bucket lister, researcher, nerd, recovering workaholic. Occasional target practice for the kids’ make-up sessions. I get excited about the sea, meeting people who do what they do with passion, organising cupboards*, the 1920s, crime novels, and a beautiful glass of wine. But not always at the same time.


Engineer with a penchant for precision. Handy with every tool and technology imaginable and at his happiest when he has some sort of tool in his hand, whether it be a wrench, a circular saw, or a spatula. The glue that keeps the family together.


Nature enthusiast who knows more about creepy crawlers, medical herbs, and rocks than I’ll ever know. A talker with an uncanny ability to describe a phenomenon in an unusual way that makes perfect sense.


Our bundle of joy with incredible joie de vivre. Dance moves that Enrique Iglesias should envy. An avid cook, builder, and fixer. An escape artist who needs two pairs of adult eyes on him.


A Staffordshire bull terrier puppy with separation anxiety and teenage behavioural issues. Loves fetching the ball, running on the beach, and sending out silent killers while napping on the sofa.

*For reals.